Gradle Java Plugin

Custom made Gradle plugin for my Java projects

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Gradle Java-Tools plugin

This project provides a custom made Gradle plugin used for the development of my private Java based projects.

The fastest way to apply this plugin to a project is the Gradle plugin mechanism:

plugins {
	id '' version 'latest.version'

Check the badge above to determine the latest version of the plugin.

See for other ways to enable the plugin in your build script.

Task generateI18N

This task runs automatically before the compileJava task, scans the source set for existing resource bundles and generates access classes for them.

javatools {
	generateI18N {
		enabled = true // default: false
		keyFilter = "^I18N_.*" // default
		genDir = file("${buildDir}/generated-src/i18n/main/java") // default
		bundles = fileTree("src/main/resources") {
			include "**/*"
		} // default
		lineSeparator = "\n" // default: System.getProperty("line.separator")
		encoding = "ISO-8859-1" // default: System.getProperty("file.encoding","UTF-8")

sourceSets {
	main {
		java {
			srcDir javatools.generateI18N.genDir

The generateI18N task scans the source set for any resource bundle matching the defined file pattern. For every found resource bundle it creates a Java class with same name as the resource bundle which can be used to access and format the resource strings. For example the resource bundle file:

I18N_CERT_EXPORT_TITLE = Export certificate

results in the Java code

 * I18N resource strings
 * Generated on May 1, 2016 3:00:58 PM
package de.carne.certmgr.jfx.certexport;

import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;

 * Package localization resources.
public final class I18N {

	 * The BUNDLE represented by this class.
	public static final ResourceBundle BUNDLE = ResourceBundle.getBundle(I18N.class.getName());

	private static String format(String key, Object... arguments) {
		String pattern = BUNDLE.getString(key);

		return (arguments.length > 0 ? MessageFormat.format(pattern, arguments) : pattern);

	 * Resource key {@code STR_CERT_EXPORT_TITLE}
	 * <p>
	 * Export certificate
	 * </p>
	public static final String STR_CERT_EXPORT_TITLE = "STR_CERT_EXPORT_TITLE";

	 * Resource string {@code STR_CERT_EXPORT_TITLE}
	 * <p>
	 * Export certificate
	 * </p>
	 * @param arguments Format arguments.
	 * @return The formated string.
	public static String formatSTR_CERT_EXPORT_TITLE(Object... arguments) {
		return format(STR_CERT_EXPORT_TITLE, arguments);


Note that not for all keys access code has been created due to the task’s keyFilter property.

Task checkDependencyVersions

By running this task one can check whether any of the configured dependencies has a newer version available. No configuration is needed to run this task. SNAPSHOT-versions are only considered as an update if the current version is also a SNAPSOT-version.

Task draftGitHubRelease

This tasks prepares a new GitHub release by uploading a configured set of artifacts as well as the accompanying release notes.

javatools {
	githubRelease {
		enabled = true // default: false
		releaseName = "v${project.version}" // default
		releaseNotes = file("./RELEASE-v${project.version}.md") // default
		releaseAssets = fileTree("build/libs") {
		} // default: undefined
		overwrite = true // default: false
		githubToken = project.findProperty('githubToken') // default: undefined
		ignoreDirty = true // default: false


The release is created in draft state and still has to be published afterwards e.g. via the GitHub web site.